State of the Environment today is such that every citizen needs to become an environmental activist and work to protect our common environment. Inaction is no longer an option.
Delhi Greens invites your involvement and active participation in environmental protection and biodiversity conservation. The first step for getting involved is to keep yourself informed and updated about the changes taking place around you, both natural and man-made. For this, subscribe to the Delhi Greens Blog and we will keep you updated with the state and status of your local, regional and global environment.
Next, it is important that you raise your voice against actions and policy decisions that harm or will harm the environment in the near future. Make efforts to participate in green events and use your social media accounts to create environmental awareness among your peers.
Do not let anyone harm your environment, and be vocal about the need to protect Nature and Natural Resources, in order to protect humanity. Feel free to get in touch with us about any such campaign that you are running or want to initiate for environmental protection.
Want to do more to protect the Environment, Nature & Natural Resources, read on:
Volunteer with Delhi Greens: Volunteer your time with Delhi Greens and make your contribution towards environmental protection. Please click here to learn about our programmes and click here to learn about our activities and let us know how you can help by sending an email to Do not forget to send us your CV or details of your key skills and qualifications along with the email.
Donate/ Support A Project: Delhi Greens relies and depends on the donations made by concerned citizens like yourself for the successful implementation of its various awareness and action projects. Contribute your bit towards keeping the environmental safe by making a donation to Delhi Greens. We value every Rupee donated to us. Click here to learn more and make your contribution.
Internships: Delhi Greens accepts internship applications all year round and is always keen to provide internship experience to students and young professionals. Internship opportunities are announced from time to time. Click here to visit the Internships page and learn about different internship opportunities.
Green Youth Fellowship: The GYF Programme offers a unique opportunity for the youth to get associated with our projects and activities and play a leadership role in achieving environmental harmony and sustainable development along with their regular course or job. GYF is an honorary fellowship, maximum of 4 GYFs are selected each year through a selection process. Click here to learn more.
Career: Delhi Greens notifies new job opportunities within the organisation as and when an opportunity is created. Please click here to visit the Career page to check for existing job opportunities.