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91. Buy natural fibre clothes

Clothes made out of synthetic materials like polyester, acrylic, nylon etc. are essentially plastic fibre. Millions of microfibers entre the water system with each wash cycle. Natural fibres on the other hand e.g. cotton, hemp, wool etc. are degradable.


92. Buy from second hand stores

Surprisingly a lot of good quality, rarely used stuff ends up at second hand stores. Acquire second-hand plastic-ware than buying new plastic. Also make a habit of donating your old plastic-ware to such stores, rather than they ending up...


93. Buy wisely

Estimate your consumption of all items in daily life be it food, clothes, personal hygiene or electronics. Do not buy many packages in smaller quantities if your requirement is more. Likewise do not buy in bulk only to throw...


94. Skip the worst plastic types

If you do nothing else, try to steer clear items that are made out of Polyvinyl Chloride, Polystyrene and Polycarbonate. Apart from being bad for the environment these are harmful for our health also.


98. Plastic free party decorations

When planning a party, remember to avoid single use non-biodegradable materials such as plastics. Plastic balloons, confetti, and other decorations made from plastic should be replaced with environmental friendly options.


100. Always pre-cycle

Think and judge before you buy anything. Always buy only things that you absolutely need, find sustainable and plastic-free or recycled plastic options in them. Start refusing plastic bagging for single items that can easily be carried in hand.