Home > Appeal for Environmental Protection > Appeal to Schools and Colleges

Delhi Greens requests all educational institutions located in Delhi NCR to help in environmental protection through curricular and extra-curricular mainstreaming of Environment Education.


Environmental Education has been advocated by all Boards, Councils and Commissions regulating the Education Sector in India. Even the Honorable Supreme Court of India has ordered the teaching of Environmental Studies to all the students in the present day. This is because the state of our environment today is very dismal.

The state of our environment tomorrow, when the students of today will grow up and become active citizens, will perhaps be even more disturbing if environment is not protected today. This makes it very important for all Educational Institutions to teach Environmental Studies properly to the students so they can be informed about the ongoing destruction of the environment, and its consequences on them in the near future.

Students also need to be taught and trained with knowledge and ideas on what they can do to protect their environment. However, despite this urgency and the political will to teach Environmental Studies, many schools, colleges and universities are either not imparting Environment Education at all or are teaching it without adequate resources.

  • Delhi Greens urges all schools, colleges and universities located in Delhi NCR to mainstream Environment Education and adopt and teach the Course properly to all students.
  • An appeal is made to all schools and colleges to create and/or strengthen Eco Clubs and use this platform to generate environmental awareness and sensitivity in the students.
  • Schools, Colleges and Universities are also urged to conduct Ecotourism Expeditions for their students both in Delhi and in protected areas in and around the Delhi NCR.

Dr. S. Radhakrishnan once said, “The end-product of Education should be a free creative man, who can battle against historical circumstances and adversities of Nature.” Today, historical circumstances are making us witness and face increasing adversities of Nature. Historical carbon emissions by the West have resulted in global warming and climate change, which is now leading to sea-level rise, floods and droughts.

The students of the present day will bear the maximum brunt of the ongoing environmental degradation and rapidly changing climate. It is therefore criminal to at least not let them know what is happening to our common environment and to their future.

Delhi Greens once again urges all schools, colleges and universities in Delhi NCR to mainstream Environment Education in curriculum and extra-curricular activities and empower the students with knowledge and sustainability solutions.