Home > Appeal for Environmental Protection > Appeal to Companies

Delhi Greens urges corporate houses located in Delhi NCR to showcase environmental responsibility at the local, regional and national levels.


There is no denying that industrial development has made human life easier and has increased human lifespan considerably. These benefits were experienced majorly in the western world during the first two hundred years since the onset of industrial revolution in the 1760s. Subsequently, these benefits percolated to all parts of the world especially since the post-colonial period.

However, industrial revolution came with its inherent problems, which have now become more visible since the 1990s. To begin with, the global carbon dioxide concentration has risen significantly since per-industrial times. This is now threatening human survival due to global warming and climate change. The ice in the polar ice caps is melting much more than normal and sea-level rise is threatening coastal cities.

Construction of big dams, mining, setting up of coal-based thermal power plants for meeting the energy needs of a rapidly industrializing nation have all threatened public as well as environmental health greatly. Companies and industries can help by taking a vow to switch to cleaner forms of energy. There will be initial difficulties, but the end result will be a healthy Planet and a surviving human society.

  • Delhi Greens urges companies and businesses located in Delhi NCR to help by supporting us in campaigning for a shift to a Green Economy.
  • Companies are urged to celebrate Environment-related days and help Delhi Greens organise environmental awareness workshops and activities for their employees and staff.
  • Delhi Greens appeals to businesses located in Delhi NCR to comply with all environmental policies as prescribed by the Government of NCT of Delhi (for companies located in the Delhi NCT) and by respective State Governments for environmental protection.
  • Philanthropy has always been part and parcel of businesses in India. It is also the Indian way of doing things. Delhi Greens appeals to companies to continue to keep this tradition alive and support environmental projects and initiatives in Delhi NCR.

The State of Environment today is extremely worrisome. The Government has had to shut schools so our children are not exposed to even more air pollution. The threat of water pollution and scarcity becomes more real each passing day and our landfills are already overflowing with waste and even killing us in the process.

Good business can only be done in a functional society which is free from the evils of pollution and ill-health. India is one of the leading nations where businesses understand and realize their Corporate Social Responsibility. It is time we begin doing more so India is able to make a bigger mark in the UN Global Compact initiative. Delhi Greens therefore once again appeals to all businesses and companies located in Delhi NCR to contribute and participate in the protection and preservation of our common environment.