V Shoba, November 16, 2008, The Indian Express.
…The Northern Ridge is one of the few green patches in the city.
A MONGOOSE sprints across the path, leaving a dustcloud in its wake. A peacock pauses in its solitary hopscotch to look askance. Shrill squeaks tear through the smoggy morning stillness as squabbling babbles flit over the thornscrub……..Govind Singh, a PhD student at the School of Environmental Studies, Delhi University, who runs the Delhi Greens Blog, says a lot of the new plants are crotons and modern potted varieties planted to make the area look attractive.
“Originally, due to the semi-arid nature of the land, there was little vegetation. Then, in the early 1900s, the British planted trees like the Prosopis juliflora (a type of keekar). The status of the water table in north Delhi is good,” he says…