11. Switch to eco-friendly water bottles
Instead of buying plastic based water bottles, use bottles made out of glass/ stainless steel/ copper or even bamboo.
Instead of buying plastic based water bottles, use bottles made out of glass/ stainless steel/ copper or even bamboo.
Install water purifiers instead of buying water in the form of packaged bottles in huge numbers.
Keep water in eco-friendly glass/ stainless steel/ copper/ bamboo bottles instead of plastic bottles.
At the farmers market or natural food stores, you can buy bread that comes wrapped in paper or even without wrappings. Choose these fresh and plastic-free alternatives over bigger brands.
Many areas have local dairies that provide milk in returnable glass bottles rather than plastic or plastic-coated cardboard. These support your local economy as well.
Look for stores in your area that sell foods from bulk bins and allow you to use your own bags or containers.
Politely refuse unnecessary extra plastic at the checkout lines. Stores tend to double bag heavy groceries or other shopping items. It would be great if you bagged them in your own cloth bag instead.
For impromptu shopping trips it is good to always have a carry bag lying around in your bag or purse rather than having to purchase items in a plastic carry bag
These small pieces of cut corners are hard to segregate and are unable to escape even the most sophisticated filters ending up clogging the drains or worse into the food chain as microplastics. Instead partially cut the packet, enough...
Almost all gum is primarily made of a synthetic rubber, aka plastic. Not only are you chewing on plastic, but you may also be chewing on toxic plastic. Plastic free alternatives do exist, switch to these types of gum.